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Self Critiquing vs. Self Improvement
It’s an AGAINST you mentality versus a FOR you mentality.
Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2021.
Don’t let the overwhelm of wanting to do it all keep you from doing nothing. Choose ONE of these and start there.
Hot Dark Chocolate
Sweetened with maple syrup and contains the good stuff like antioxidants (raw cacao & cinnamon) and adaptogens (maca).
Rethinking Your New Year Resolutions
This is your reminder that diets don’t support you. They’re not going to magically give you the life you want.
Don’t just GO through it, GROW through it.
Change is inevitable, so, are we going to simply GO through it, or GROW through it?
Calorie Counting Is Surprisingly Flawed
Counting calories is an EXTERNAL attempt to control what we put into our bodies, when we SHOULD be using internal cues to guide our choices.
Products of Capitalism
Think about it. When is the last time your happiness or your joy wasn’t based on something you did?