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Celebrate BEFORE Your Goal to GET TO Your Goal
How to change the way you celebrate to help you get to your goals.
What If You Lived Life As The Person You Want To Be?
If you want something, you need to believe you deserve it.
Progress Isn’t Linear, So Give Yourself a Break
Part of every journey is anticipating failure.
How to Talk to Someone Who Comments on Their Body A Lot
Whether you’re the one making the comments or you’re the one wanting to help someone else, this read is for you.
Same Bodyweight… Forever?
Question: Where did we get the idea that were supposed to be one weight forever?
Systems Instead of Goals
The big reasons why most people don’t hit their goals, and what to do instead.
Whatever You Are Not Changing, You Are Choosing.
All the things that make you stronger, wiser, and better… are uncomfortable.
You Will Always Validate What You Believe - How to Use That to Become Who You Want
So, what do I do if I want to get better at something I'm bad at?