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Is Dieting Worth The Risks?
I’m not here to demonize weight loss, but I am here to tell you that we DEFINITELY should not be idolizing it because we end up going through exhausting and unsafe measures to lose it.
Anti-Diet Doesn’t Mean Anti-Nutrition
I’ve gotten a lot of questions and there’s a lot of confusion (and understandably so) about what anti-diet means. Hopefully this helps.
Fiber: Why It’s So Important
An overlooked nutrient, here is why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting enough in your day.
5 Questions to Making a Change
“In order for change to last, we must link pain to our old behavior and pleasure to our new behavior, and condition it until it’s consistent.”
Trainer Tip: Sliders to Change Your Routine
Sliders are a really awesome way to intensify and diversify your workout. Don’t have any? I’ve got you!
End of Day “Uncontrollable” Munchies
Instead of getting frustrated that you feel “out of control,” get curious!
Super Smoothie
My SUPER SMOOTHIE guide - An easy to read infographic that tells you what to add to your smoothies and why it’s important.
Embrace Your Uniqueness
Why is it that we embrace the beauty and uniqueness of other things, but not our bodies?