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No Sugar? Look Again. The Hidden Culprit.
Stomach pain? Gas and/or bloating after eating certain foods? It may be hidden sugar alcohols.
Obsess Less. Show Up Fully.
I know you don’t mean to be obsessing about yourself, but truth be told, you kind of are…
Trainer Tip: How to Work Your Way Up to a Push-Up
Can’t do a push-up? No problem! Follow these steps and you’ll get there in no time!
Health(ier) Halloween Candy
Health(ier) alternatives to some of your original Halloween favorites!
Keep Promises. Build Confidence.
“Confidence comes from keeping the promise you made to yourself.”
Popular Diets That Weren’t Meant for Weight Loss
Most popular “diets” were NOT meant to be used for weight loss…
Trainer Tip: Focus on the Eccentric
Focus on the ECCENTRIC part of the movement to get the most out of your exercises. What the HECK does that mean and why should you try it?
Build Your Own Home Gym
If you’re looking to buy some equipment to enhance your at-home workouts, this guide is for you! It’s budget-friendly, so you won’t break the bank, but the items aren’t so cheap that you’ll break the equipment.
Snack Ideas
Sometimes when life gets busy and it’s hard to find time to prepare foods or cook, it’s nice to have some brands on hand that you can trust will give you some good energy without the questionable ingredients.
Monthly Reflection & Intention Setting
Use this worksheet to reflect on the month you just had and to set some intentions for the next month.