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fitness Azul Corajoria fitness Azul Corajoria

This is a Transformation-Picture Free Zone.

I know a lot of accounts use before/after photos of themselves or clients so that they can “inspire” others or “show them the effectiveness of what their program can do.” It’s a HUGE selling point in the fitness industry - and I want no part of it.

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fitness Azul Corajoria fitness Azul Corajoria

Consistency is Key

In fitness, people have adapted the “all or nothing” mindset. Lose the illusion of perfection. Find something you love doing and do it often. When you stop loving it, find something else. Your routine doesn’t have to be perfect, or intense, or complicated, it just has to be consistent.

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mindset, well-being Azul Corajoria mindset, well-being Azul Corajoria

Our Internal Voices

I’ll never forget the first time someone in my family told me I had a round face. A seemingly simple observation by someone I looked up to. I’ll never forget it because I remember that moment every time I see a photo of myself or look in the mirror.

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