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End of Day “Uncontrollable” Munchies
Instead of getting frustrated that you feel “out of control,” get curious!
Super Smoothie
My SUPER SMOOTHIE guide - An easy to read infographic that tells you what to add to your smoothies and why it’s important.
Keep Promises. Build Confidence.
“Confidence comes from keeping the promise you made to yourself.”
Popular Diets That Weren’t Meant for Weight Loss
Most popular “diets” were NOT meant to be used for weight loss…
How To: Make a Delicious, Nutrient Dense, Filling Salad
Do THIS to make your next BOMB salad.
Their Way Isn’t Your Way
Stop comparing your health journey to someone else’s. Don’t be fooled into thinking that their way is better than yours. It’s not, it’s just their way. They found what works for them. You will find what works for you.
Our Internal Voices
I’ll never forget the first time someone in my family told me I had a round face. A seemingly simple observation by someone I looked up to. I’ll never forget it because I remember that moment every time I see a photo of myself or look in the mirror.
Inattention Blindness
When it comes to health, we focus SO MUCH on JUST nutrition and fitness, that we don’t see how important all the other things are, and how often it’s the lack thereof those things that affect us the most.
What is Intuitive Eating
The history of Intuitive Eating. What it is, what it is not, and the health benefits of letting go of diet culture and listening to your body.
Foundational 4
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Use this guide as a reference to make sure you’re creating nutritionally dense meals.