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I Used To Lift Weights, But Then I Stopped.
Why? A few reasons, but for today I’ll highlight two big ones.
BMI - Not The Greatest Indicator of Health
The BMI feels severely outdated and is an over-utilized tool to make something that’s NOT simple, simple.
Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2021.
Don’t let the overwhelm of wanting to do it all keep you from doing nothing. Choose ONE of these and start there.
Trainer Tip: Get Out of Your Head
Shift away from the THINKING self and focus on the FEELING self.
Trainer Tip: Sliders to Change Your Routine
Sliders are a really awesome way to intensify and diversify your workout. Don’t have any? I’ve got you!
Trainer Tip: How to Work Your Way Up to a Push-Up
Can’t do a push-up? No problem! Follow these steps and you’ll get there in no time!
Trainer Tip: Focus on the Eccentric
Focus on the ECCENTRIC part of the movement to get the most out of your exercises. What the HECK does that mean and why should you try it?
Build Your Own Home Gym
If you’re looking to buy some equipment to enhance your at-home workouts, this guide is for you! It’s budget-friendly, so you won’t break the bank, but the items aren’t so cheap that you’ll break the equipment.
This is a Transformation-Picture Free Zone.
I know a lot of accounts use before/after photos of themselves or clients so that they can “inspire” others or “show them the effectiveness of what their program can do.” It’s a HUGE selling point in the fitness industry - and I want no part of it.