You see “fun foods” as the problem, but they're not the problem. 

I get asked all the time, “How do I stop eating so much [insert favorite dessert]?"


It's the single most asked nutrition question I get when I tell people I'm a Health Coach.


…and no one ever likes my answer:


Stop restricting it.


I'll give you an example of how what I'm saying plays out:

Sound accurate enough?


If I would have seen this years ago, I would have said, “Woah, that's me.”


I ALSO would have told you to go f**k yourself if you told me to actually BUY the thing and eat it whenever I wanted (more on that here). But, here I am, on the other side, saying yeah… That method actually works, and it works because repeated exposure to certain foods decreases our response to them (food habituation). Simply put, because we usually want what we can't have, the minute we can have something, and in excess, we slowly start to want it less. It's a scary process at first, but it works.


Here's how this process pans out:

So, if there's a food that you feel like has this crazy hold over you, try, I dunno, eating it. Release your restrictions (and I mean all of them, even mental restriction). Enjoy it. I know it feels like you “might never stop,” but trust me, coming from me - and the thousands of others that have gone through it - you will.


If you're worried about your health, know that eating the thing, is healthier than constantly stressing about eating the thing. Instead of focusing on eating “less," focus on eating more. What I mean by that is, focus on eating MORE of the things you know you “should," and think less about the things you think you “shouldn't." Where can you add in more veggies? How can you drink more water? What nutritious elements can you add to your snack? Etc. This is how I help my clients balance out their diets without feeling like they can't have the things they love. Try it out!

If you’re looking for a safe space where you'll receive support and guidance in achieving your health goals, you're right where you need to be :)
Submit a client application to receive your free 15 min consultation with me. I work with clients all over the world-changing their relationship with their health and wellness so that they can reestablish trust in their bodies and feel empowered and confident that they’re always making the best decision for themselves.

Hi, I’m Azul Corajoria, an Integrative Health Coach, Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I support my clients in making step-by-step changes so that they can live a healthy and balanced life. By recognizing the interdependent roles of mindset, nutrition, and movement I educate and hold my clients accountable for achieving their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments with an emphasis on self-care. Together, we navigate the contradictory world of nutrition through intuitive eating, practice mindful movement, and implement small mindset and lifestyle shifts that empower them to be their best selves in the easiest way possible.


2023 Reflecting & Setting Goals


How We Approach Anything Defines Our Experience.