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What IS a Breakfast Food? What Time Do I Eat It?
What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast?
BMI - Not The Greatest Indicator of Health
The BMI feels severely outdated and is an over-utilized tool to make something that’s NOT simple, simple.
Designed to Over Eat
I’m going to let you in on a “not so little” secret: Processed foods are scientifically engineered to be irresistible and easy to consume in large quantities.
Curate Your Social Media “Reality”
The luxury of your social feed, is that YOU have control of what you see.
Why Sleep Is SO Important
How well you're sleeping affects your overall mental and physical health.
FAT is NOT a feeling.
We have to get better at identifying unpleasant emotions that are coming up for us.
Feel Your Fullness - The 80% Full Practice
Imagine a scenario where you don’t feel nervous around meal time, you can eat a meal you love, and not feel incredibly stuffed, sluggish, and guilty afterwards AND you can have it again later.
Confidence, more often than not, DOES NOT magically come when you hit a certain weight.
The Importance of Breathwork
Breathing (correctly) stimulates our Parasympathetic Nervous System (the body’s Rest & Digest response mode).