My 2nd Favorite F Word

Whether your goal is general health, longevity, weight loss, or strength (or all the above) fiber is one of the macronutrients that you definitely want to focus on.


Ideally, we're getting around 25-35g of fiber in a day, however the average person is getting only 10-15g – that's less than half!


WHY is fiber important?

  • Helps manage blood sugar by slowing the absorption of glucose (no more bad spikes)

  • Helps normalize bowel movements to get rid of toxins (pooping = natural form of detox)

  • Helps release the satiety hormone to keep you fuller for longer (less cravings)

  • Helps lower cholesterol (lower risk of heart disease/attack)

WHAT do I need to eat to get more fiber in?


I'm going to share with you a page of the macro guide my 1:1 coaching clients get (also included in my self-stufy course). It gives you the top dietary sources of fiber (broken down by vegetables, beans/legumes, grains, nuts/seeds, and fruit).

HOW do I get more fiber in?


So, now you know WHY you should eat more fiber and WHAT foods have the most fiber in them. The next step is HOW do you incorporate them in?


What works for my clients is choosing 1-2 of the foods from the list (pick ones that feel easiest to you e.g. a fruit + a nut). Add them to the grocery list (get enough for the week). Then have one serving each day in whatever meal you think makes the most sense (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack). Do this for another few weeks until it feels easy and natural, and then aim to include another 1-2 (different) options until 25-35g a day feels like a breeze.

Good luck!


You Eat 10% More and 20% Faster When You Do This.


If Your Goal is Weight Loss: Eat MORE