“I Can Do Hard Things.”

This is what I tell myself when I’m towards the end of my run and I want to stop (legs feel like jello, my friend, meanwhile is running laps around me).

This is what I tell myself when I’m pushing my last few reps to fatigue (huff and puffing, laughing to myself and cussing).

This is what I’m telling myself when I’m shaking in a plank (again… laughing and cussing, maybe a little bit of crying).

Honestly, I even tell myself this when I’m foam rolling (iykyk).

This is a critical lesson in life that strength training has taught me.

Strength training has taught me that I am capable of carrying heavy burdens.

It has taught me that I can endure things for a little longer than I think I can.

It taught me that I can test my limits and trust that I’ll pick myself back up.

It has taught me that failure is actually a good thing.

It has taught me that I can do more than I think I can.

It has taught me to let my ego go, and not be afraid to be bad at something new.

It has taught me that with patience, practice and determination I can do anything.

The confidence I’ve gained through showing myself time and time again that I am capable of doing hard things has changed my life.

It’s a mindset shift.

This is why when I see a client completing an exercise with ease, and I can tell they can lift heavier so I ask them to grab a heavier weight, and they reply back, “but it’s hard,” I tell them, “It’s not hard enough. You can do hard things.” Sometimes, you just need someone else to believe in you more than you believe in yourself.

The goal in my sessions is always challenging, but doable.

If you’re told to do 8-10 reps of an exercise, and you can do 12 or 15 or more… You’re not challenging yourself enough.

You should ONLY be able to do 8-10 reps. As in, at least 8, max 10.

There’s almost always resistance at first when I ask a client to grab a heavier weight.

We resist being challenged.

We resist feeling uncomfortable.

We resist doing things we don’t feel like we’re good at.

But what happens when you always stay in your comfort zone?


If you want to see results in anything in life you need to get out of your comfort zone.

You need to challenge yourself, a lot.

So, the next time you don’t think you can remember, yes you can.

Tell yourself, “I can do hard things.”

I bet you’ll surprise yourself.

And if you keep doing that. If you keep surprising yourself.

You’ll eventually believe in yourself so much so that you’ll never be surprised again.

Viola. Confidence is born.

If you’re looking for a safe space where you'll receive support and guidance in achieving your health goals, you're right where you need to be :)
Submit a client application to receive your free 15 min consultation with me. I work with clients all over the world helping those who are frustrated and confused become empowered and confident - changing their relationship with food, fitness and most importantly, themselves.

Hi, I’m Azul Corajoria, an Integrative Health Coach, Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor. I support my clients in making step-by-step changes so that they can live a healthy and balanced life. By recognizing the interdependent roles of mindset, nutrition, and movement I educate and hold my clients accountable for achieving their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments with an emphasis on self-care. Together, we navigate the contradictory world of nutrition through intuitive eating, practice mindful movement, and implement small mindset and lifestyle shifts that empower them to be their best selves in the easiest way possible.


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